
Raspberry Pi Setup Guide - Step 5 (Mac)

IMPORTANT: If you have not already connected the SSD to your Raspberry Pi and powered it on, then please go here and complete STEP 4.

Step 5 - Connect to the Raspberry Pi from your Windows PC

You will now connect to the Raspberry Pi from your main computer using SSH (Secure Shell). You will then be able to run the DigiNode Setup script.

(Note: The instructions on this page are for macOS. If you are on Windows, click here.)

Step 5.1 - Download and install 'iTerm 2'

Rather than using the built-in terminal app to connect to your Raspberry Pi, it is recommended to use 'iTerm 2' which has better support for the text formatting used by DigiNode Tools. It's free.

Open Safari, visit https://iterm2.com/ and click the 'Download' button.

If asked to allow downloads, click 'Allow':

Click on the 'Downloads' icon in the top-right corner of the Safari window, and then click on the magnifying glass icon next to the 'iTerm' download to open the Downloads folder.

To install iTerm 2, drag-and-drop it into the Applications folder:

Step 5.2 - Connect to the Raspberry Pi using SSH

Launch iTerm 2. (You can do this by pressing '⌘ + Space' to open Spotlight search, then type 'iterm' and press return.)

If you see the warning message, click 'Open'.

At the command prompt in iTerm 2, type ssh [email protected] and press return to connect to the Raspberry Pi.

(If you set the hostname to 'diginode-Testnet', use ssh [email protected])

IMPORTANT: If it is unable to find your Raspberry Pi on your local network, it may get stuck on the screen above - press 'Ctrl + C' to cancel. In this event, you will need to connect using the IP address of the Pi instead. e.g. ssh [email protected]. If you don't already know the IP address, go here for instructions on how to find it.

When connecting for the first time, it will then ask you if you want to continue. Type the word 'yes' at the prompt and press return.

At the next prompt, enter the password you created in STEP 3 and press return.

You should then see the 'digibyte@diginode' (or 'digibyte@diginode-testnet') prompt. You are now connected to your Pi.

NEXT: STEP 6 - Run the DigiNode Setup script on your Raspberry Pi

To proceed to Step 6, click here.

To return to the One Page Setup, click here.

DigiFact # 20 - Did you know...
The name 'DigiByte' was originally chosen as it signifies a 'Digital Byte' of data. This is because blockchain technology such as DigiByte can be used for so much more than as a 'coin' such as silver or gold. DigiByte is incredibly multi-purpose.

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