IMPORTANT: If you have not already installed the 'Raspberry Pi Imager' software, please go here for Windows or here for Mac to complete STEP 2 first.
Step 3 - Configure and write 'Raspberry Pi OS' to the SSD using 'Raspberry Pi Imager'
Note: The screenshots on this page show the Mac version, but the software is the same if you are on Windows.
If it is not already running, open 'Raspberry Pi Imager'. Check you are using v1.8.3 or newer.

Step 3.1 - Choose Operating System: Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit)
Click the 'CHOOSE DEVICE' button:

Then click the device you are using. It should be a Raspberry Pi 4 or 5:

Next, click 'CHOOSE OS':

Scroll down and click 'Raspberry Pi OS (other)':

Click 'Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bit):

You should see 'RASPBERRY PI OS LITE (64-BIT) on the button:

IMPORTANT: Make sure you have selected the correct version of Raspberry Pi OS - it must be the LITE edition (includes no desktop OS), and must be 64-bit (the 32-bit OS will not work).
Step 3.2 - Choose Storage: External SSD drive
Click the 'CHOOSE STORAGE' button:

Select the external SSD you are going to use for your DigiNode.
(Note: You should have already connected the SSD to your Mac in STEP 1. If you have not already done so, connect it now. It should show up in the list. If you still don't see it, try unplugging and reconnecting it. Once it appears, click on it to select it.)
!!! BE VERY CAREFUL TO SELECT THE CORRECT DRIVE: The contents of the drive will be completely erased in the next step !!!
(In this example, I am using the JMicron Media 1Tb SSD shown below.)

You should now see the name of the external drive on the button. Double check it is correct.

Step 3.3 - Pre-configure your Raspberry Pi OS install
Before you begin to write the operating system to the SSD, you first want to pre-configure it. This will make it easy to connect to the system from your main computer when it first boots up, without needing a keyboard, mouse and display attached to the Raspberry Pi.
Click 'Next':


You will see the OS customisation menu:

Next fill in the following options:
- Enter 'diginode' for the hostname if you are planning to run a DigiByte Mainnet node OR a Dual Node (both mainnet and Testnet nodes at the same time).
Enter 'diginode-testnet' if you are planning to run a Digibyte testnet node ONLY. Make sure that the checkbox is ticked. - Set the username to 'digibyte' and enter a password. Do not forget it. You will need it to connect to and manage your DigiNode. Make sure that the checkbox is ticked.
- Configuring the wireless LAN is optional. Since your DigiNode is a server that needs a robust connection to the internet, it is generally recommended to connect it directly to your router using an ethernet cable, rather than using a wifi connection. If you would like to use wifi, enter your wifi network name (SSID), password and wireless LAN country here. Make sure that the checkbox is ticked.
- Set your timezone and keyboard layout, in case you ever need to connect one.
Next click the 'SERVICES' tab:

Tick the box to enable SSH so that you can remotely connect to the machine via the terminal when it first boots up. Select 'Use password authentication. Make sure that the checkbox is ticked.
Note: For improved security it is recommended to use a public key instead of a password, particularly if you are planning to use the DigiByte wallet on your DigiNode.
Finally, click the 'OPTIONS' tab:

"Enable telemetry" allows the Raspberry Pi Foundation to collect some anonymized data about your setup, primarily concerning which OS image you installed. It does not collect your IP address. You can disable this feature by unticking it.
More information about all these OS customisation settings can be found here.
Click 'SAVE' when you are ready to continue.
Step 3.4 - Write the OS to the SSD
Click 'YES' to apply the OS customizations and begin writing the operating system to the SSD:

It will ask you to confirm erasing the contents of the SSD.
Click YES to continue.

If you are on a Mac, it will prompt you for your system password. (The password you enter when you sit down at your computer.) Enter it now and click 'OK'.

Raspberry Pi Imager will now download the operating system image file and write it to the SSD. This may take a few minutes.

If all goes to plan you should see this message:

You can now click 'Continue', close Raspberry Pi imager, and disconnect the SSD from your computer.
NEXT: STEP 4 - Connect the SSD to the Raspberry Pi, along with power and ethernet cable (if using) and power it on
To proceed to Step 4, click here.
To return to the One Page Setup, click here.