Raspberry Pi DigiNode

Advanced Features

These features are for advanced users and should be used with caution:

Customize Your DigiNode

The first time that you run DigiNode Setup, it will generate a DigiNode Settings file which is located here: ~/.digibyte/diginode.settings

Before proceeding, you can choose to exit the installer and edit this file to customize your DigiNode Setup. In most cases you should not need to do this, but there are a couple of reasons why you might want to:

  • Change the location of your data folder (e.g. to store the blockchain data on a different drive). To do this change the DGB_DATA_LOCATION variable.
  • Manually change the maximum connections of your DigiByte Node. (Default is 300). Note: You can change this after installation by editing digibyte.conf directly. To do this change the DGB_MAX_CONNECTIONS variable.

DigiNode Help

Appending the --help or -h flags when running DigNode Setup will display a list of all the available flags that can be used at launch:

  • curl -sSL setup.diginode.tools | bash -s -- --help or
  • diginode-setup --help

You can also do the same when running DigiNode Dashboard:

  • diginode --help or diginode -h

Unattended Mode

This is useful for installing the script completely unattended. To run in unattended mode, use the --unattended flag at launch.

  • curl -sSL setup.diginode.tools | bash -s -- --unattended or
  • diginode-setup --unattended

Note: The first time you run DigiNode Setup in Unattended mode, it will create the required diginode.settings file and then exit. If you wish to customize your Unattended install, you can edit the "Unattended Install' section of this file before proceeding. It is located here: ~/.digibyte/diginode.settings

If you want to skip this step, and immediately begin installing using the default settings, you can include the --skipcustommsg flag:

  • curl -sSL setup.diginode.tools | bash -s -- --unattended --skipcustommsg or
  • diginode-setup --unattended --skipcustommsg

Install DigiByte Pre-release

The --dgbpre flag can be used to install the pre-release version of DigiByte Core, if available:

  • curl -sSL setup.diginode.tools | bash -s -- --dgbpre or
  • diginode-setup --dgbpre

If you are running a pre-release version of DigiByte, and want to downgrade back to the release version use the --dgbnopre flag:

  • curl -sSL setup.diginode.tools | bash -s -- --dgbnopre or
  • diginode-setup --dgbnopre

(Choose 'Update' from the main menu and it will allow you to downgrade DigiByte Core.)

Skip OS Check

The --skiposcheck flag will skip the OS check at startup in case you are having problems with your system. Proceed with caution.

  • curl -sSL setup.diginode.tools | bash -s -- --skiposcheck or
  • diginode-setup --skiposcheck

Skip Update Package Cache

The --skippkgcache flag will skip trying to update the package cache at launch in case you do not have permission to do this. (Some VPS won't let you update the package cache.)

  • curl -sSL setup.diginode.tools | bash -s -- --skippkgcache or
  • diginode-setup --skippkgcache

Skip Hash Verification

Normally, before installing DigiByte Core, the release is verified against a known sha256 hash stored at diginode.tools to ensure the download has not been tampered with. The installation can only proceed if the hash exists and there is a match. This significantly improves the security of DigNode Tools by making sure that only a genuine release of DigiByte Core can be installed. The --skiphash flag will bypass these checks. It is for emergency use ONLY. Do not use this without understanding the risks.

  • curl -sSL setup.diginode.tools | bash -s -- --skiphash or
  • diginode-setup --skiphash

Verbose Mode

This provides much more detailed feedback on what the scripts are doing - useful for troubleshooting and debugging. This can be set using the --verbose flags.

  • curl -sSL setup.diginode.tools | bash -s -- --verbose
  • diginode-setup --verbose

Developer Mode

To install the development branch of DigiNode Tools, use the --dgntdev flag at launch. The --dgadev flag can be used to install the development branch of the DigiAsset Node.

WARNING: This should only be used for testing, may sometimes not run, and could break your DigNode.

  • curl -sSL setup.diginode.tools | bash -s -- --dgntdev --dgadev or
  • diginode-setup --dgntdev --dgadev

Manually Locate DigiByte Core

If you wish to use DigiNode Dashboard with your existing DigiByte Node (i.e. One not setup with DigiNode Tools), and the startup checks are not able to locate it automatically, use the --locatedgb flag at launch to manually specify the folder location.

  • diginode --locatedgb

Reset Mode

This will reset and reinstall your current installation using the default settings. It will delete digibyte.conf, diginode.settings and main.json and recreate them with default settings. It will also reinstall DigiByte Core and the DigiAsset Node. IPFS will not be re-installed. Do not run this with a custom install or it may break things. For best results, run a standard upgrade first, to ensure all software is up to date, before running a reset. Software can only be re-installed if it is most recent version. You can perform a Reset via the DigiNode Setup main menu by entering diginode-setup. You can also use the --reset flag at launch.

  • curl -sSL setup.diginode.tools | bash -s -- --reset or
  • diginode-setup --reset


The --uninstall flag will uninstall your DigiNode. Your DigiByte wallet will be kept. This can also be accessed from the main menu.

  • curl -sSL setup.diginode.tools | bash -s -- --uninstall or
  • diginode-setup --uninstall

DigiFact # 57 - Did you know...
Every month, the DigiByte that miners get as a block-reward is decreased by 1%. This gives DigiByte a very smooth supply-curve for new DigiByte, rather than a "halving" event every few years.

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