DigiNode Tools is designed to be easy to use for less-technical users whilst being highly customizable for power users.

Create Swap File

Swap Space

  • During initial setup, the installer checks for a swap file, and helps create one on low memory devices.
  • Swap size is suggested automatically based on the available memory.  
Install DigiByte Core Pre-releases

DigiByte Pre-releases

  • Install the latest pre-release version of DigiByte Core using the --dgbpre flag. See Advanced Features to learn more.
  • If needed, you can downgrade back to the latest release, using the --dgbnopre flag.
Zeroconf Networking

Zeroconf Networking

  • Enables Zero Configuration networking (Avahi) so you can access your node at http://diginode.local:8090 - i.e. no need to remember the IP address.
  • Helps you change the system hostname to 'diginode' (or if running a Testnet node only - ‘diginode-testnet’).
DigiNode Port Forwarding

UPnP Port Forwarding

  • Easily configure how your DigNode handles port forwarding - manual or automatic using UPnP.
  • UPnP attempts to instruct your router to forward the required ports automatically to save you from needing to do it it manually.
  • In most cases, it is usually still recommended to forward ports manually as UPnP can sometimes have issues depending on your router. 
DigiNode MOTD

DigiNode MOTD

  • The optional custom DigiNode MOTD displays the DigiNode logo and usage instructions whenever you login via the terminal saveing you from having to remember any terminal commands to manage your DigiNode.
Unattended Mode

Unattended Mode

  • Unattended Mode lets you install or upgrade your DigiNode without seeing any menu prompts.
  • Optionally customize a first time install by changing the variables in diginode.settings - this file is created the first time you run DigiNode Setup. See Advanced Features for more.
IPFS Server Profile

IPFS Server Profile

  • Option to enable the IPFS Server Profile if needed - such as when running on a server with a public IP address.
  • IPFS is used by the DigiAsset Node to distribute the DigiAsset metadata
Install DigiNode Tools ONLY

Install DigiNode Tools ONLY

  • Option to install DigiNode Tools ONLY which will let you use DigiNode Dashboard with an existing DigiByte Node. You may need to tweak your existing setup for this to work. For best results, install the DigiByt Node with DigiNode Tools.
  • This can also be used to review the setup script before performing a full install.
Install Extras

Install Argon Case Fan Software

  • If you are using the Argon One M.2 case for the Raspberry Pi, you can install the software that controls the fan and power button, via the Extras menu.
DigiByte Core Uninstall

Repair & Uninstall

  • Quickly repair any problems with your DigiNode using Reset and Uninstall
  • Reset helps you to repair your DigiNode component by resetting and reinstalling them. Uninstall helps you remove the DigiNode from your system.