
DigiByte Port Tester

DigiByte Port Tester

Note: Testing onion addresses is not yet working - Tor support is coming soon.

Use this tool to check that other nodes can find your DigiByte Node. If you need help configuring port forwarding on your router, go here. The address field will accept IPv4, IPv6 and .onion addresses. If the port test fails with your node's IPv6 address, try the IPv4 address. This port tester is also built into DigNode Tools and can be run from the DigiNode Dashboard.

Important: After a successful result the data is cached for 60 minutes. This is to avoid spamming the node and putting unnecessary strain on the server. Wait an hour to re-test the same node.

Using the Port Tester from the terminal

You can run this port tester from the Linux command line. These instructions are for Ubuntu/Debian.

Install jq and curl. jq will format the JSON so it is easier to read:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install -y curl jq

Run a port test:

curl -sSL "porttest.diginode.tools?network=mainnet&ip=" | jq

Customize your query:

  • network=mainnet/testnet/regtest - choose the network you are testing
  • ip= - can be an IPv4, IPv6 or .onion address
  • port=12024 - the port to your DigiByte Node

Using the Port Tester on your Website

The use of the port tester on other websites is restricted by default - you will get a CORS error if you try to use it. If you are interested in using it on your website, please get in touch through the DigiNode Tools Telegram group.

DigiFact # 70 - Did you know...
You can use multiple wallets! DigiByte is not just limited to a single piece of software, and the community is encouraged to find an app that works best for them, so try one, try a few, and keep using the ones you like the most.

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